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Admission Information

We welcome you to Best School in Haryana – G.D. Goenka Public School, with a commitment to nurture and equip young learners with the uncommon ability of self exploration and development. Our aim is to nurture children to become confident, sensitive, socially committed and well rounded individuals, equipped to become young envoys of progress. Our children grow in the best of environment and under the guidance of competent faculty, elements indispensable today for gaining knowledge and understanding.

The process of admission reflects sensitivity and ease. Post the submission of the Application Form, parents are given a guided tour of the school facilities. This is followed by an interaction of both the parents with the school Principal where a complete view of the philosophy, vision and methodology of the school is shared. Admission process is taken forward henceforth.

Academic Session : 2025-26

Classes : Pre Nursery Onwards


  • Pre Nursery : Minimum Age 2.5+ as on 31.03.2025
  • Nursery : Minimum Age 3.5+ as on 31.03.2025
  • KG : Minimum Age 4.5+ as on 31.03.2025
  • Class I : Minimum Age 5.5+ on 31.03.2025

Admission Process

Registration for Admission:
Collection of the Application Form from the school front desk on payment of Rs. 2000/-.
Submission of the duly filled Application Form/Prospectus, with necessary documents as detailed in Application form, within three days from the date of purchase.

On Grant of Admission:
Completion of Admission formalities including payment of fee within three working days.

Admission Policy

Admission is being granted on first come first serve basis, till the availability of seats.

Classes I onwards, complete academic transcripts of the previous two completed classes of the student must accompany the application form.

For the benefit of parents, the valid registrations shall be invited for an interaction with the Principal to share the vision, mission and philosophy of the school and define expectations of each other.

Pre Nursery – X

Parents can visit School Office on all working days between 8 am to 1 pm for admission details.

Documents Required:- [At the time of Registration]

  • Self Attested copy of Birth Certificate.
  • Original for verification.
  • Parent Visiting Card.
  • One passport size photograph each of the Child and the Parent.
  • Complete academic transcripts of the previous two classes attended by the student (for classes II and above).

Documents Required:- [At the time of Admission]

  • Latest Residence Proof.
  • Blood Group Report (in case not mentioned on the vaccination card).
  • Vaccination Record/Chart For Class II and above, Transfer Certificate (Original).
  • In case of interstate students, the TC should be counter signed by the education officer.
  • Caste Certificate – In case caste belongs to OBC/SC/ST.
  • Medical Form.
  • I-Card Form.

1. What is the entry level to school?
At the G.D Goenka Public School, Jhajjar campus, the entry level to school is Nursery. The age criterion for Nursery is 3.5+ years as on 31.3.2025.

2. What is the assessment pattern of G.D. Goenka Public School, Jhajjar?
The class wise assessment pattern is as follows:-
Class Assessment Pattern
Unit Test 1 + Unit Test 2 (internal assessment)
Term I
Unit Test 3 + Unit Test 4
Term II
X – XI: As per the CBSE guidelines.

3. How are activities and sports conducted for an effective teaching learning process?
Our curriculum is a unique blend of world class pedagogy and teaching methodology. The amalgam of various activities is an integral part of teaching methodology. Exposure to multiple activities enables us to tap into the diversity of intelligence of each child, discover their strengths and provide a suitable platform to excel.
Language skills, along with personal, social and physical education are a part of academic learning. We have extensive sports facilities with a structured program to encourage students to pursue sports seriously.

4. What is the student teacher ratio?
For effective curriculum implementation, the school maintains a student teacher ratio of 1:28.

5. How is the competence of faculty ensured?
There is a rigorous process of selecting the faculty members. The process involves written test, personal and subject interview and class demonstration. To continuously enhance the skills of the faculty and to keep them abreast with the latest developments in the field of education, regular workshops from Team Goenka and CBSE are conducted.

6. What kind of systems are followed by the school to ensure the safety, security and hygiene standards?
The safety and security of children is the prime concern of the school and all plausible steps are taken to ensure it in the school campus and the school buses.
The campus has CCTV surveillance, fire detection and fire fighting measures of highest standards.
The security guards at the gate and at various vantage points are trained to control and monitor any kind of movement inside the campus.
School buses are air-conditioned and are equipped with Global Positioning System, DVR cameras for surveillance & speed governors.
To meet any medical emergency, the school has professionally qualified full time doctor and nurse on its rolls.
Highest standards of hygiene and sanitation are maintained. The school has a housekeeping department with trained attendants.
Each washroom has sensory taps, soap dispensers, toilet rolls, disposable hand towels and an attendant at all times.
RO water in disposable glasses is served to students.

7. Does the school provide transport facility to the students?
Yes, the school owns a fleet of deluxe air-conditioned buses equipped with Global Positioning System, DVR cameras for surveillance catering to the whole of Jhajjar and near by areas. Each bus has a lady security guard in place for additional safety of children.

8. Does the school serve meals to the students?
The School has a cafeteria and students have an option of procuring food from there. The School cafeteria serves wholesome, delicious and hygienically cooked food.

9. What is the curriculum strength of Pre Nursery?
At the compact and caring environment of the Pre Nursery campus, G.D. Goenka Public School follows the Montessori Method of education combined with Gardner’s Multi Intelligence Theory.

10. How does the school ensure that individual attention is provided to each child?
In order to ensure that individual attention is provided to each child, the school maintains a healthy student teacher ratio.